India has witnessed its biggest daily spike in the total number of coronavirus cases, with over 6,000 being reported in 24 hours, according to data compiled by Worldometer. There are 106,886 cases of Covid-19 in the country at present, and as many as 3,303 people have died from the disease. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has said that for every 100,000 population, there are 7.1 coronavirus cases in India so far, as against 60 globally.
Maharashtra, the most affected state, reported 2,100 fresh cases, taking its overall tally to 37,158. The tally of Delhi rose to 10,554, with 500 more cases being recorded. The national capital has allowed DTC buses to hit the road and all offices are permitted to resume work as usual.
Several other states have also ordered reopening of markets, local transport and even salons in areas that are considered safe from coronavirus.
Coronavirus world update: Globally, 5,000,599 people have been infected by coronavirus so far, and the total number of deaths from the disease now stands at 325,156, according to Worldometer.